Monday, January 24, 2011

Really, Monday?

Here's why today really didn't need to have happened:

1. Dad's not doing great in the hospital. He was very nervous and sad, and I could do nothing to help. Not sure what the plan is from here.
2. The company that moved our offices at work broke two of my favorite picture frames, "favorite" meaning "special because I received them from my kids years ago, and I have no idea how to replace them."
3. My brand-new Droid is messed up -- all if a sudden, I can hear nothing unless I put the sound on speaker. Need to replace it. Hate standing in line at Sprint.
4. I covered a meeting, and the wireless Internet was not working at the venue. Had to fly to Barnes & Noble with 15 minutes to spare until the story needed to be filed. And the story wasn't great because I was in too big a hurry.
5. Headache. Big, snarling headache.
6. Tomorrow really doesn't look much better; and Tuesdays at work have a tendency to be horrible anyway. No idea why.

On the bright side, the kids and Kevin and I are healthy and safe with a roof over our heads and plenty to eat. Life is good, and I'm grateful for it. But I really, really could have done without today.

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